IF you fix it - THEY will come

IF you fix it – THEY will come

Cleanroom design consultancy in QATAR to resolve ongoing facility operational issues.

We are often introduced to new clients when something doesn’t go quite right and they search the internet for a company to assist and every project we assist with we resolve with minimal delay and minimal costs.

What’s in it for us?

Once we fix the problem our clients often use our consultancy services next time they build a facility – because if we are the only people that can fix it, then perhaps we should be the only people that design and manage the project.

This is exactly what happened for a company based on Qatar who utilised the services of a UK based specialist cleanroom contractor who made endless mistakes resulting is the facility not operating as required, what did the UK company do to resolve the issues? They stopped answering the phone.

Within days we arrived in Qatar and identified the issues and presented out client with the solutions.

Now we design, project manage and oversea all of their facilities – its the only way they can ensure value for money and a fully compliant working facility.

Don’t take risks with your next project – engage with technickon for all future new builds, upgrades, validation issues or existing issues.

Friendly, approachable UK based engineering company.


technickon ltd – Now available in the middle east.


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