Pharmaceutical Compounding Cleanroom Suite

Pharmaceutical Compounding Cleanroom Suite

Technickon lead the way on the conceptual design of a new state of the art compounding facility for Lloyds Home Healthcare (Derby).

Engaged as cleanroom design consultants we have created a detailed performance specification, HVAC design and full fit out requirements to enable Lloyds Home Healthcare to tender the delivery of the facility.

To ensure value for money and competitive quotations this design data is crucial to ensure all requirements are captured and included for.

We have been involved with the design and ongoing operation of 3 large facilities across the UK for the past 18 years and using this knowledge we have been able to create a design which not only overcomes all of the challenging regulatory conditions imposed but also forward engineer a facility that will continue to operate for a minimum of 15 years.

Using many different types of sanitisation solutions recently introduced we have ensured the facility can withstand the constant harsh cleaning regimes which it will encounter throughout its operational life.

The compounding activities are undertaken within 8No. grade A HLAF’s (Horizontal Laminar Flow Units) which we have custom designed to be robust and fully compliant with all of the requirements.

We continue to innovate with Lloyds Home Healthcare to ensure regulatory compliance and constantly improving process within the compounding areas to make the process more efficient and safe.

Posted in: Cleanrooms

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